
Sgt. Gironda and Me

Jo-Anne Swensson

So I am starting my research here at home. I went on my first ride-along Sunday with one of St. Petersburg PD’s Sergeants to track how much fuel is used, how many miles are driven, and to try to determine the amount of carbon emissions released per vehicle per shift. We spent the 10-hour shift responding to calls, driving around the City checking neighborhoods, businesses and providing support to her Officers.

This was no episode of cops, but there was running after bad guys, several arrests made, and our police dogs responded to two different calls to help search for bad guys. The highlight of the night was aiding FWC on a call for “molesting crab traps” (yes this is a real crime…actually a felony!). So while one person was under arrest, we began searching for the second “molestor”. We found him, ok I did, sitting on the seawall trying to blend into the night. Since FWC cannot make arrests, SPPD had to arrest the two people accused of the crime and transport them to jail.

Blue crabs stolen from crab traps

This was a definite education for me, not only to see what our officers do everyday, but to look at the resources they need, their impact on the environment, and trying to keep the community safe at the same time. Focusing on the day to day operations of police work extends beyond writing tickets and responding to calls, there is a business side too, but more importanty there is officer safety. I had to wear a bullet proof vest and carry a portable radio while I was on my ride along…just in case. The reality of officer safety is a serious concern and being able to provide our officers with the resources they need while addressing sustainability and law enforcement into account requires a delicate balance. I definetly have my work cut out for me, trying to find a balance. I guess in a way the ride along has made me more commited to my cause.

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